Welcome to the Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review! In this article, we will be exploring LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream, an innovative solution designed to help you combat pain and regain your active lifestyle. With a staggering number of adults suffering from chronic discomfort, finding a reliable pain relief option is essential. LiveGood is on a mission to tackle this critical concern in the health and wellness industry by offering advanced nutritional supplements made with the purest and highest quality ingredients, without the exorbitant pricing mark-ups of other companies. By becoming a LiveGood member, you gain access to wholesale prices, allowing you to save money while prioritizing your well-being. Let’s delve into the details and discover how LiveGood can help you reclaim a pain-free life in Palm Springs Coachella Valley!

Now, let’s dive into the specifics. LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is available in a 4 oz jar, containing 2,000 mg of CBD and 100 mg of CBG. The retail price for this incredible product is $24.95, but as a LiveGood member, you can enjoy the benefits at the amazing price of $17.95. That’s a significant saving! One of the standout features of this pain relief cream is the convenient pump dispenser, eliminating the hassle of messy jars. Whether you use it yourself or share it with others, the LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream offers unbeatable value for your money. Plus, by becoming a LiveGood member for just $9.95 a month or $99.95 for the year (saving you 20%), you gain access to wholesale prices on all LiveGood products, resulting in substantial savings over time. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to prioritize your health and wellness today. Visit LivegoodforMe.com to join and explore their extensive range of health products.

Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream in Palm Springs and Coachella Valley! If you’re one of the many adults suffering from chronic discomfort, finding a reliable solution is crucial. LiveGood offers an innovative blend of natural ingredients designed to help you combat pain and reclaim your active life.

Learn more about the Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review here.

LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream

The LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients that work together to provide effective pain relief. The cream contains 2,000 mg of CBD and 100 mg of CBG, making it a potent option for managing discomfort. Whether you’re dealing with muscle soreness, joint pain, or general aches, LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is designed to provide targeted relief.


LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is made with only the purest, highest quality ingredients. These include premium CBD and CBG extracts, along with other botanicals known for their pain-relieving properties. The cream is free from harmful additives, ensuring that you’re using a product that is both effective and safe.

Target Audience

LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is suitable for anyone dealing with chronic pain or discomfort. Whether you’re an athlete recovering from an intense workout or an individual suffering from arthritis, this cream can provide the relief you need. Its versatility makes it a go-to option for people of all ages and backgrounds.


When it comes to pain relief, LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is highly effective. Its powerful blend of ingredients works to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Many users report feeling relief shortly after applying the cream, allowing them to go about their day without discomfort. The cream is fast-absorbing and non-greasy, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Price Comparison

What sets LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream apart from its competitors is its affordability. At just $17.95 for a 4 oz jar, this cream offers an incredible value for its potency and quality. Compared to leading brands like Green Roads (priced at $90) and Young Living ($80), LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream provides the same benefits at a fraction of the cost. With wholesale pricing available through LiveGood membership, you can save even more.

Membership Benefits

By becoming a LiveGood member, you gain access to a range of exclusive benefits. Here are some of the advantages of joining the LiveGood membership program:

Wholesale Pricing

As a LiveGood member, you get wholesale pricing on all products, including the CBD Pain Relief Cream. This means that you can enjoy significant savings on all your purchases. With this membership, you can access high-quality CBD products at a fraction of the cost compared to other retailers.

Access to Exclusive Products

LiveGood offers a variety of health and wellness products that are only available to members. These exclusive products are carefully curated and designed to support your overall well-being. By joining LiveGood, you’ll have access to a wider range of products that can enhance your wellness journey.

Convenience of Membership

Being a LiveGood member comes with the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your own home. With online ordering available, you can browse the extensive selection of products, place orders, and have them shipped directly to your doorstep. Say goodbye to long lines and busy stores, and say hello to the ease of shopping with LiveGood.

Comparison to Competitors

When considering CBD products, it’s important to compare various brands to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. Here’s a comparison of LiveGood CBD products to two popular competitors: Green Roads and Young Living.

Green Roads

Green Roads is a well-known brand in the CBD industry, but their products tend to come with a hefty price tag. For example, their CBD oil is priced at $90, while LiveGood’s CBD oil is a more affordable $4.95 for the same quantity. By choosing LiveGood, you can experience the same benefits of CBD at a fraction of the cost.

Young Living

Young Living is another reputable brand that offers CBD products. However, their prices are also higher compared to LiveGood. Young Living’s CBD oil costs $80, while LiveGood’s CBD oil is still $4.95 for the same amount. By opting for LiveGood, you can enjoy the same quality without breaking the bank.

Price Comparison Chart

Product LiveGood Price Green Roads Price Young Living Price
CBD Oil $4.95 $90 $80
LiveGood CBD Pain Cream $17.95 N/A N/A
LiveGood CBD for Pets $14 N/A N/A
LiveGood Peppermint Oil $4.95 N/A N/A

Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review

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Discover more about the Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review.

Other LiveGood CBD Products

In addition to the CBD Pain Relief Cream, LiveGood offers a variety of other CBD products. These include:


LiveGood CBD Oil is a natural and effective way to incorporate CBD into your daily routine. With the same commitment to quality and affordability, LiveGood provides a range of CBD oil options that suit different needs and preferences. From 750 mg bottles to peppermint-infused oils, LiveGood has something for everyone.

Peppermint CBD Oil

If you prefer a flavored CBD oil, LiveGood offers a peppermint-infused option. This refreshing and aromatic oil provides all the benefits of CBD with the added touch of a delicious peppermint flavor. Priced at just $4.95 for a 750 mg bottle, it’s an affordable and tasty way to experience the benefits of CBD.

CBD for Pets

LiveGood doesn’t just focus on human well-being, they also offer CBD products for your furry friends. The LiveGood CBDol for Pets is a specially formulated CBD oil designed to support your pet’s overall wellness. Priced at just $14 for a 300 mg bottle, it’s an affordable way to provide your pet with the benefits of CBD.

Membership Pricing for Other CBD Products

As a LiveGood member, you can enjoy wholesale pricing on all CBD products. This means that you can save significantly on other CBD products, such as the CBD oil and CBD products for pets. By becoming a member, you’ll have access to a wide range of high-quality CBD products at discounted prices.

Membership Pricing

Becoming a LiveGood member is a great way to access wholesale pricing on all their products. Here’s a breakdown of the membership fees:

Monthly Membership Fee

For just $9.95 per month, you can enjoy all the benefits of being a LiveGood member. This fee grants you access to wholesale pricing, exclusive products, and the convenience of online shopping. With the potential for significant savings, the monthly membership fee is a worthwhile investment for those looking to prioritize their health and well-being.

Annual Membership Fee

For even greater savings, you can opt for the annual membership fee of $99.95. By paying upfront for the year, you’ll save 20% compared to the monthly membership fee. This option is ideal for those who plan to be long-term LiveGood members and want to maximize their savings.

Benefits of Becoming a Member

Joining the LiveGood membership program comes with numerous benefits. Here are some advantages of becoming a member:

Significant Savings

By accessing wholesale pricing through your LiveGood membership, you can enjoy substantial savings on all CBD products and other health and wellness items. The savings you accumulate throughout the year can add up, allowing you to prioritize your well-being without straining your budget.

Access to High-Quality CBD Products

LiveGood is committed to providing high-quality CBD products made with the purest ingredients. By becoming a member, you’ll have exclusive access to these premium products, ensuring that you’re using only the best when it comes to your health and wellness.

Convenience of Online Shopping

With LiveGood’s online shopping platform, you can easily browse and order your favorite products from the comfort of your own home. No more standing in lines or rushing to make it to the store before closing. LiveGood brings the convenience of shopping right to your fingertips.

How to Become a Member

Becoming a LiveGood member is a simple and straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to join the LiveGood membership program:

Website Registration

To get started, visit the LiveGood website at livegoodforme.com and click on the “Join Now” button. You will be prompted to create an account by providing your personal information, such as your name, email address, and contact details. Once you’ve registered, you can proceed to the next step.

Membership Options

After registering, you’ll be presented with different membership options. Choose between the monthly or annual membership, depending on your preferences and budget. Carefully review the details of each option to determine which one best suits your needs.

Instructions for Joining

Follow the instructions provided on the LiveGood website to complete your membership registration. You may be required to provide additional information or complete a brief questionnaire. Once you’ve successfully completed this step, you’ll become an official LiveGood member and gain access to all the benefits the membership program offers.

Other LiveGood Health and Wellness Products

Aside from CBD products, LiveGood also offers a variety of other health and wellness products. These include essential aminos, collagen supplements, creatine, and skin serums. Whether you’re looking to support your overall well-being or enhance your skincare routine, LiveGood has a wide range of options to choose from.


If you’re in Palm Springs or Coachella Valley and in need of an effective and affordable CBD pain relief solution, LiveGood CBD Pain Relief Cream is your go-to option. With its potent formula and natural ingredients, this cream offers targeted pain relief for a variety of conditions. By becoming a LiveGood member, you can enjoy wholesale pricing on this product and other CBD offerings, maximizing your savings and well-being. So why wait? Join LiveGood today and reclaim your active life!

Get your own Palm Springs Coachella Valley CBD PRICE Review today.